Liberian Business Association
The Liberian Business Association of the Americas (LIBA) was founded in 2007 in Maryland, the USA, as an independent business
entity with its foremost objective to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of Liberian own businesses in the United
States while at the same time working to preserve free competitive enterprise and strengthen the overall economy of Liberia.
The Association restructured in 2016 in Minneapolis. The first president of the association was Mrs. Hawa Johns.
LIBA recognizes that business is critical to our economic recovery and strength, to building Liberia’s future, and to helping Liberia compete in today’s global marketplace.
There are several business associations, trade unions, and professional bodies in Liberia. Some of the major business associations include the following:
African Development Bank Knowledge Products:
Liberia Economic Outlook
Economic growth has stagnated in Liberia since 2014 due to low commodity prices and the Ebola outbreak
in 2014–15. After estimated growth of 0.7% in 2014 and 0% in 2015, the economy contracted 1.6% in 2016.
A modest pickup in gold exports supported growth at an estimated 2.6% in 2017. Further gold and iron ore
expansion, commercial palm oil production, and normalization of investment after the political transition
are projected to support a growth rate of 3.9% in 2018 and 5% in 2019. Nevertheless, medium-term growth is
expected to remain below pre-Ebola levels of over 7%.