The Rwanda Development Board was established in 2009 to coordinate, spur and promote national economic
development. RDB includes agencies responsible for "business registration, investment promotion,
environmental clearances, privatization and specialist agencies which support the priority sectors of
ICT and tourism as well as SMEs and human capacity development in the private sector". The Executive
Director's position, is a
cabinet-level position and the incumbent is appointed by and reports directly to the
President of Rwanda.
RDB measures its achievements in (a) direct foreign and domestic investments, (b) increased exports and (c)
number of jobs created.
Federation of National Associations of Women in Business in Eastern and Southern Africa (FEMCOM) is a COMESA
institution, established in July 1993 with the endorsement of the Authority made up of Heads of States and
Governments of the COMESA member states, under Article 155 of the COMESA Treaty.
FEMCOM has National Chapters in all the 19 COMESA member states namely Burundi, Comoros, Democratic Republic
of Congo (DRC), Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda,
Seychelles, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
FEMCOM develops women entrepreneurship in the COMESA region and beyond through programmes that promote,
encourage and serve the needs of women and their businesses, working in smart collaboration with relevant partners.
FEMCOM’s Strategic Priorities:
1. Strengthening FEMCOM for Long-term Sustainability
2. Resource Mobilisation
3. Up-scaling capacity for women in business
4. Increase Trade & Investment Facilitation
5. Enhancing Access to Credit and Capital for Women in Business
6. Forster Influential Policies to Empower Women in Busines
The Private Sector Federation – Rwanda (PSF) is a professional organization, dedicated to promote and represent
the interests of the private sector in Rwanda, but its chair is selected and appointed by the government and the organization
receives funding from some government agencies. It is an umbrella organization that groups ten professional chambers.
The PSF was established in December 1999, replacing the former Rwanda Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
PSF’s primary roles are to represent and serve the interests of the entire private sector through lobbying
and advocacy, while at the same time providing timely and relevant business development services that lead to
sustainable private sector-led economic growth and development. U.S. companies are welcome to join the
The East African Business Council (EABC) is the umbrella organization of the private sector in East Africa,
headquartered in Arusha, Tanzania. Established in 1997, EABC facilitates private sector participation in the integration process
of the East African Community (EAC) to improve the region’s trade and investment climate. Currently, EABC has 54
associations and 102 corporate members. Membership is open to all companies and business associations with interest and operations
in the region. Click
here for more information.
The Rwanda Bankers’ Association (RBA): Any licensed banks in Rwanda are eligible for membership in the RBA.
here for more information.
Rwanda Tours & Travel Association (RTTA). The association represents a wide spectrum of travel and vacation
operators active in Rwanda. Click
here for more information.
World Bank Group Doing Business Report:
AFDB Knowledge Products:
Rwanda Economic Outlook
Real GDP growth in the first half of 2017 was an estimated 2.9%, down from 8.2% in the same period in 2016, due to weak performance in services
and industry. Services, which accounted for 46% of GDP, increased 6% in the first half of 2017, short of the 9% in the same period in
2016, due to contraction in trade and transport. Steady recovery in 2016 and higher commodity prices, particularly for coffee and tea,
led to 5% growth in agriculture during the first half of 2017, down from the 6% in the same period in 2016. Agriculture accounted for 32%
of GDP. Industry, which accounted for 15% of GDP, posted zero growth in the first six months of 2017, down from 10% in the second half of
2016, due mainly to completion of major construction projects and weak performance in mining and quarrying. Economic performance
improved in the second half of 2017 and is projected to continue to do so in 2018, due to favorable weather conditions and higher
commodity prices. Macroeconomic evolution The government’s 2016/17 fiscal policy remained focused on public expenditure
efficiency to support growth and reduce poverty, in line with its fiscal consolidation strategy. The fiscal deficit in 2016/17 was 1
percentage point lower than projected. The tax-to-GDP ratio in 2016/17 remained stable at an estimated 15.6%, due to tax
incentives that support the Made in Rwanda campaign to increase domestic production. The 2017/18 budget is expected to continue
fiscal consolidation and is characterized by stable development spending and gradual growth in recurrent spending, due partly to a
new teacher’s statute and increasing wages. The Central Bank implemented an expansionary monetary policy in the first half of 2017
to support growth in private-sector credit. In the same period credit to the private sector increased 8.3%, slightly higher than the 8%